Michael Gray
I have been making music for five years and writing lyrics for as long as I can remember. I started playing guitar when I was 15 with the goal of making my own music as a living from the start. In those 9 years I have learned a lot through trial and error, what I've found is that the steps to a good song feel very obvious once you know them but with no guide are hard to come by. In my course I hope to bring the lessons I've learned to aspiring songwriters with a clear guide to help make sense of the mysteries of songwriting.
For me the guitar is my main instrument and one of the most expressive and dynamic instruments in the world. My goal is to help students get through the first year of learning guitar without being discouraged. It's hard at first but the more you grow with it the more you love it.
In music as in life I love to explore and discover. Music really is an adventure, you want to have an idea of where you are but have the freedom to go off the beaten path. Understanding theory is equally as important as knowing when to let go and just let creativity flow. It's always good to have a map but sometimes you just want to put it in your back pocket and look around.