Kealy Cheyenne
This school is for all types of learners and all levels of skill, for those who desire to pursue music. It is taught with patience, and is entirely adaptable to the individual student, while still periodically bringing everyone together, either virtually or in person, to share in the journey.
My name is Kealy Cheyenne Heeg, I am 34 years old. I have been taking voice lessons with Christine – My Artistree, for four years. I decided to enroll in Remedy Music School in September of 2021, because I wanted to be more confident in performing live, and harness my ability to compose lyrics. I wanted to grow in my ability to reach my music goals, which are to grow vocally, excel in my karaoke league competitions, and create beautiful stories out of my music. This year has given me the confidence to truly create, and has helped me realize that my dreams and goals are possible. I am most proud of how far I've come with my vocal control and projection. I look forward to recording more music, and eventually releasing it online, so that I can share it with my friends and family.
As advice to anyone considering enrolling themselves or their child in Remedy Music School, I can
say that this school is for all types of learners, and all levels of skill for those who desire to pursue music. It is taught with patience, and is entirely adaptable to the individual student, while still periodically bringing everyone together either virtually, or in person to share in the journey.